Yeni Arkadaşlıklar İçin

Türkiye'nin en farklı
sohbet odaları ile
yeni arkadaşlıklara. and Chat Rooms, CR3.5 in the image and using the Secure System. This system Your Security Council on .. are special in the Basque Server Reading or passwords may be traveling in the open. But here is because of the security that the unthinkable! Your safety at the forefront and you to chat is the best way Sagle back on the Service Veriyoruz. If you are bothering the lari @ The Channel Alerts, please, here we are able to on the help the best way for you. Nick to Sec: / nick Ornekcik Nick encrypt: / attach Sectiginiz_sifr to kullandiginiz_email (eg : / attach 123abc I)
Password Entry: / nick your password – example: / nick ghost 123abc to close your private: / umode + m (one can not write from your private) to restore / .mu.molar the -m someone Blocker factors: / ignore nickname Keep your nickname in Askia: / ns ghost nickname password by Nick Identifying: / ns sidentify nickname password you are using, you encrypt with your nickname to your e-mail address is bizimdiy Registration Services will mail the address confirmation Icin. Here the verify code: / NickServ VERIFY ftsgqyrrqf A + j + krkgaaa to-2429417372 Enter the verify code red portion of the status of the copy process we are entering the part of the Saga click nickname. User passwords have become active. Your email and password security is kept confidential by our management. Nobody else has access to this information. Do not share your email address with anyone, phone, MSN, address and so on. Keep your private information, please reserve. If you want help with a housing / join formal writing help you #y enter the channel you want help and you shall be the Assistant Officers in there.


Chanserv-Chanserv set
1) Usage: / cs info #kanalism

Example: / cs info #newchannel

Function: provides information about Channel (When it was founded, the founder of the topic, etc.).

2) Usage: / cs #kanalism nick

Example: / cs VOP Lover to add exorcist

/ cs VOP Lover del flooding the

/ cs sop Lover wipe

/ cs aop Lover of the list

/ cs autokick Lover to add user! Ident @ host (definition other> user! ident @ the host) Function: Used by Soper and founder. TOP one, VOP, AOP (SOPs) will add to the list.

ADD adds to a list of people.

DEL removes the person from the list.

WIPE removes the entire list.

LIST Shows List.

3) Usage: / cs register #kanalism the <password>

Example: / cs register Lover of blu342 point to Chat!

Function: is used to save a new channel

4) Usage: / cs identify #channel kanalsifre

Example: / cs identify the blu342 function

Lover: You must enter the password of the founder channel for a few ChanServ commands. This password is entered in this command.

5) Use: / cs drop #kanalism

Example: / cs drop Lover

Function: Reduces the recording of Channel

6) Use: / cs op #kanalism nick

Example: / cs op Lover contrary

Function: Used to open any channel

7) Usage: / cs deop #channel nickname

Example: / cs deop Lover LABOR

Function: To receive open to anyone in the Channel

8) Usage: / cs voice #channel nickname

Example: / cs voice Lover of carotid

Function: Channel gives plus any Used to

9) Usage: / cs devoice #channelname nick

Example: / cs devoice Lover of tatanga

Function: To receive plus any channel

10) Usage: / cs invite #channel

Example: / cs invite Lover

Function: Channel When the mode + i is the channel or channels from banlanıl before entering this command should be used.

11) Use: / cs deop #channel

Example: / cs deop Lover

Function: It is open to everyone in the channel.

12) Use: / cs MKick #channel

Example: / cs MKick Lover

Function: Assign everyone in the channel *! * @ * Bans address and sets the mode + i the channel.

13) Use: / cs unban #channel nick / *.

Example: / cs unban Lover of the exorcist / cs unban Lover of *

Function: This command is used to solve bans. NICK by AOpen and authorities (solves the person’s ban on using only command), * by Soper and founder (solves all bans) is used

14) Usage: / cs count #channel

Example: / cs counter Lover

Function: How many TV TOP , VOP, AOP, SOP and autokick says it registered

15) Usage: / cs why #channel nick

Example: / cs why Lover beyza

Function: This command specifies the powers in one channel and which roads get authorization.

16) Use: / cs acc #channel nick

Example: / cs acc Lover Lee

Function: This command displays the authority of one channel.

17) Use: / cs access #channel nickname

Example: / cs ACCESS Lover of YAKSKL

Function: It is the same with Accor command

1) Usage: / cs set #channel autovop on / off

Example: / cs set Lover of autovop on

Function: Channel plus anyone who gives.

2) Usage: / cs set #channel ident on / off

Example: / cs set ident Lover on

Function: must enter the password before you open the command is activated nick channel operators. NickServ Access are considered List

3) Use: / cs set #channel opguard

Example: / cs set of opguard on Lover

Function: Channel AOP, prevents not open to non-SOP list.

4) Usage: / cs set #channel topiclock

Example: / cs set of topiclock Lover on SOP

Function: This command is entered on the authorization of the operators which can change the topic.

5) Use: / cs set #channel keeptopic

Example: / cs set of topiclock Lover on SOP

Function: When the command is active, ChanServ will save the topic in the channel and re-enters the topic when someone be one again.

6) Use RESTRICT: / cs set #channel restrict

Example: / cs set to restrict them Lover

Function: The command is active when there is no channel to channel are not allowed in the authorization list.

7) FOUNDER Syntax: / cs set #channel founder

Example: / cs set to founder CONTRARY Lover

Function: Can only be used by the person to be found. Channel allows you to change the channel founder.

8) Use MEMOLEVEL: / cs set #channel memolevel VOP / aop / sop / founder / NONE

Example: / cs set of memolevel AOpen Lover

Function: This command is entered in the memo to the channel may be sent by whom. If anyone is selected, no, just the founder can send memos to the founder channel is selected.

9) URL Syntax: / cs set #channel url / cs set #channel url NO (will clear this URL)

Example: / cs set My Lover URLs

Function: This command channel with the channel info It allows you to add a web address.

10) DESC Syntax: / cs set #channel DESC

Example: / cs set desc dear Lover of the new space

Function: This command allows you to change the presentation of the channel info.

11) EMAIL Syntax: / cs set email #channel

Example: / cs set email Lover of

Function: This command is used to add an email to info channel.

12) PASSWD Usage: / cs set #channel passwd password

Example: / cs set passwd Lover newpassword

Function: allows you to change the channel password.

13) MLOCK Syntax: / cs set #channel mlock <+ | – modes>

Example: / cs set Lover mlock + rtn

Function: The owner of this command channel, the other OPs are used to playing with channel mode. (L, K and O type modes add not) Nickserv-Nickserv set <>

1) REGISTER Syntax: / ns register [password] [email]

Example: / ns register 12345

Function: Used to save Nick. Note: Always type the nickname recording real email address, if forgotten password can only be reset if the password via email.

2) PROTECT Syntax: / ns set protect on / off

Example: / ns set protect them

Function: This command is used to prevent others from using a nickname registered. If someone else wants to use the nickname, nickname must enter the password within 60 seconds. Girmess 60 sec eventually nick guest.

3) IDENTIFY Syntax: / ns identify [password]

Example: / ns identify 12345

Function: Used to enter the User’s password. You must enter the password for the nickname to understand this command will have NickServ that your real nickname. If the “PROTECT” is always active if the command should be entered in the IRC.

4) PASSWD use: / ns set passwd

Example: / ns set passwd 54321

Function: allows you to change the User password. Password is not careful typing passwd.

5) GHOST Syntax: / ns ghost <password>

Example: / ns ghost exorcist 12345

Function: Ghost command we break even, if we nick hung, suspended nickname connection allows for the breakout.

6) ACCESS: / ns access add / ns access del / ns access list / ns access wipe

Example: / ns access add *@* / ns access del *@* / ns access list / Human ACCESS wipe

Function: ADD: will add a different address to the access list. Thus, all the nicknames that matches this address, the authority will have nicknames. (Eg home and work) DEL: Removes an address from the access list. LIST: Access to see the list of benefits. WIPE: Access the list of benefits to cleaning.

7) INFO Syntax: / ns info

Example: / ns info Ercan

Function: utility to get information about the nick specified this command NickServ .. Eg given nickname, address, registration date, if the last time you used, and “set field “command shows the entered information.

8) WATCH use: / ns watch add | del | list [nick | channel]

Example: / ns watch add torrent to

Function: to add the command to one of the watch list (ADD), subtraction (Del), to see the watch list (list) benefits. When one server who come and go watch list, comes a warning message. When used with the channel when the channel in and out of any warning message appears.

9) LISTCHANS use: / ns listchans

Example: / ns listchans

Function: list all channels that are of benefit to the Authority. <>

1) SET PROTECT Syntax: / ns set protect on / off

Example: / ns set protect them

Function: This command is used to prevent others from using a nickname registered. If someone else wants to use the nickname, nickname must enter the password within 60 seconds. Girmess 60 sec eventually nick guest.

2) Use the SET PASSWD: / ns set passwd

Example: / ns set passwd 12345

Function: allows you to change the User password. Password is not careful typing passwd.

3) SET NOMEMO use: / ns set nomemo on / off

Example: / ns set nomemo on

Function: Memo allows you not. People who want to go on if you want a message memo memo.

4) SET FIELD Usage: / ns set field age / ns set field gender / ns set field location <City / Country> / ns set field decription / ns set field interests <interesting subjects> / ns set field job / ns set field comment1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Example: / ns set field Age 18 / ns set field comment4 I like listening to music / ns set field job Student

Function: This NickServ information on additional information and adds one of your nick / ns that when applying the info command It indicates information. Uses the will headings: Age, Gender (Male / Female), location, description, interests, job, comment1, comment2, comment3, comment4, comment5, comment6

5) SET NOOP use: / ns set noop on / off

Example: / ns set noop on

Function: When the operator does not make you a channel in the ChanServ authorization automatically.

6) Authorize the SET BUDDY use: / ns set authorize buddy

Example: / ns set authorize buddy on

Function: leaves to get your approval before adding it to the list of any of you, buddy.

7) SET authorize CHANLISTS use: / ns set authorize chanlists

Example: / ns set authorize chanlists on

Function: leaves to get your approval before you add any of the channel access list.

8) SET EMAIL Syntax: / ns set email yeniemail

Example: / ns set email

Function: allows you to change your email address.

9) SET SHOWEMAIL use: / ns set showemail on / off

Example: / ns set showemail on

Function: The user’s email address to anyone / ns can make out the info command.

10) SET MRECEIPTS use: / ns set mreceipts on / off

Example: / ns set mreceipts on

Function: This command sends a memo stating that one read when he read the memo you sent.

11) SET MFORWARD use: / ns set mforward on / off nickname

Example: / ns set mforward ten dodge

Function: This command will redirect all memos specified nickname.

12) SET SECURE Syntax: / ns set secure on / off

Example: / ns set secure on

Function: Even uyuss This command is activated by any any place in the nickname access list, it has no authority over that person’s nickname. Memoserv <>

1) SEND Syntax: / ms send (topic’siz memo roads) / ms send MTOPIC MBODY (topic’l memo roads) / ms #kanalism to send / ms send #kanalism the MTOPIC MBODY

Example: / ms send Derek called me ! / ms send Lover of MTOPIC Passwords MBODY passwords as soon as possible determine …

Function: A user / channel memo roads.

2) Use sendto: / ms sendto <#channel> / ms sendto <#channel> MTOPIC MBODY

Example: / ms send MTOPIC Lover of UOP, Vopa Announcements e MBODY way of your information!

Function: pathways to a memo channel list. So only channel TOP / VOP / AOP / SOP lists can be sent.

3) LIST Syntax: / ms list

Example: / ms

Function list: Lists memos in the active memo folder.

4) READ Syntax: / ms read

Example: / ms read 12

Functions: Memo benefits of reading.

5) DELETE Use: / ms del (erase memo stated only) / ms del * (Deletes all memos) / MS del (the number numara1 deletes all memos to the number numara2)

Example: / ms del 6 / ms del * / ms del 2: 9

Function: Sends the specified folder RECYCLER memos. (Later memo can be returned back to the active folder)

6) expunge use: / ms expunge

Example: / ms expunge

Function: deletes the memo in RECYCLER folder. (Later memos can not be undone)

7) UNDELE use: / ms UNDELE

Example: / ms UNDELE 8

Function: serves to rotate a memo back to the active folder in the Recycler folder. Recycler folder to actively RECY to see memos in the folder (/ MS selector recycler) and get a list (/ ms list). Then memo with UNDELE command you can send to another folder.

8) Use MOVE: / ms move

Example: / ms move 8 HELP

Function: ACT is used to send a memo to another folder in the folder.

9) Use the STAT: / ms state

Example: / ms state

Function: provides information about Memo folders.

10) Use CREATE: / ms create

Example: / ms create the greenfold

Function: Create a memo folder.

11) Use CLOSE: / ms close

Example: / ms close the HELP

function: Close the specified folder, send to memos in recycler folder.

12) Use SELECT: / ms select

Example: / ms select sebnemferah

Function: Bring a folder to folder still active.

13) IGNORE Usage: / ms ignore add / ms ignore del / ms ignore list

Example: / ms ignore add exorcist / ms ignore del flooding to / ms list

Function: When the Ignore list from someone tries to send the memo, MemoServ is it the ignore list and tells message assignment . User Modes

<> Remember …

– The following modes / umode + in sectinizmo or / .mu.molar the applicable the command -sectnizmo: Server Administrator (Only IRCOps) This command IRCops After introducing themselves server to server as admin automatically activated yet by the server.

E: English, it indicates that this mode you prefer to speak English.

F: French, this mode indicates that you prefer speaking French.

G: German, this mode indicates that you prefer speaking German.

L: This mode should be primarily supported by the server. If the specified words, if supported (mostly profanity) all censored *** lies to the message does not reach the person (depending on Server).

M: Malay, indicates that this mode you prefer to speak Malay.

R: Automatically activated when Nick’s case by the server password is entered. Used manually.

Q: Spanish, this mode indicates that you chose to speak spanish.

X (only IRCOps) command is activated / Human & / cs info, / whowas and / who command as undisguised of users appears in the rope.

A: Services Administrator (only IRCOps) is automatically activated by the server case after introducing this command IRCops themselves as server services admins.

b: CHATOPS (IRCops Only) Server to send / CHATOPS benefit to see the message.

c: Clients: (IRCops Only) Server, entering and seeing the benefits.

E DCC DCC transfers / prevents chat.

f: Flood Notices (IRCops Only) allows to see the flood notices.

g: globops: (Only IRCops), to see the benefits globops message.

h: Helpops (Only IRCOps) is automatically activated by the server case after introducing themselves to the server in this mode HelpOp HelpOp.

i: Invisible: / the names command the people unless it implements the same channel by / name does not appear in the list of names.

j: Java users mode.

k in killmo (IRCops Only) allows to see all the kill messages.

m: Messages: Other users from / users to send messages to / receive blocks.

n newsflash: benefit to get newsflash messages.

o: Operator (Only IRCOps) is automatically activated by the server case after introducing themselves to the server in this mode IRCops HelpOp.

p: CTCP: Prohibits use CTCP commands.

s: Server messages: Server utility to receive the messages sent.

t: Reports (Only IRCOps) Someone on a server / stats, / admin, etc. The warning comes commands apply.

w: Wallops: utility to receive messages sent by IRC operator.

x: it prevents others from seeing your IP address.

Next: Whois (IRCops Only) on someone / whois when applying warning message appears.

z Services Agent / boot mode. Bot prevents expulsion of the channel.

Channel modes

<> + c: in which color channel allows you to hide messages.

+ d: kanaldayk users from changing their nickname.

+ l: (Only IRCOps) First “language filter” then the servers must support. If the channel “language filter” ‘s you want to be active, you can use this mode.

+ m: messages sent by the Open allows you to hide or non-voice channel.

+ B: The specified person or parameterize the channel from the ban.

+ i: Brings channel invitational position. Only / invite nick #channel command allows you to enter the channel with those who were invited to the channel.

+ k: Channel puts the password and allows you to enter the channel does not know the password. Password connoisseurs channel / join #channel password can enter the command.

+ l: Enter how many people will be in the channel at a time.

+ v: Any one voice (plus / +) benefits to do so.If the channel is moderated (+ m), the Voice can send a message to the channel (comes in handy in case more meetings). + n ensures that the message is sent outside the channel.

+ that are proven not open any of them. + p makes the channel to a specific case. Thus / channel is not listed in the list command.

+ r: Indicates that the channel is registered with ChanServ. Only for information, users / op can not play with this command.

+ s: Channel brings hidden case. So if someone from outside the channel / whois check, it does not appear in the list of channels you channel.

+ t: play with only enables operators to topic. + M (IRCops Only) Mode allows messages to be routed. If the channel

+ m, messages sent to the channel can not be seen by other users. When this mode is used in this unseen messages are routed to the channel mode

+ N / sent. + N (IRCops Only) + can be seen on channel messages sent by M + N mode in this channel must be active. + M + N command and work together. Example: / mode + mm #greennet #spidersla the / + N #spidersla If the mode is applied #greennet commands, #greennet ‘to all messages sent to a routed #spidersla.

+ A: (Only when IRCOps) Mode is applied, users / names on the list when they enter the channel / out when / if they change their nicknames, görünmz cost.

+ j: Mode is activated java users channel, the channel can enter without entering a password. + for use with the K mode.

+ e: the CTCP command from reaching the canal.

+ u: This mode user to + u mentioned. Java Chat on the user’s next – would sign.

+ O: If the limit on the channel, users are directed to the channel when the limit is exceeded. Example: / mode #webchat + lo webchat2 this command in 151 and later 150 # # sent to webchat2’y people.

+ R: command not only allows the nicks in the channel.Some simple commands me




use: / nick

Example: / nick salty

Function: allows you to change the nick.


use: / join

Example: / join #Greennet

Function: Used to enter a channel. Note: The pound sign in front of the channel (“#”) must yerleşiril. Use

AWAY:  away

Example: / away I’m not at the computer.

Function: The specified message, you send everyone to send message.


Usage: / away

Example: / away function: cuts send the Away message.


use: / ns

Example: / ns help

Functions: Performs NickServ commands. Note: This command / msg NickServ command is short.


Usage: / cs

Example: / cs help

Functions: Performs ChanServ commands.Note: This command / msg ChanServ is short.


use: / ms

Example: / ms help

Functions: Performs MemoServ commands.

Note: This command / msg MemoServ command is short ..


use: / nickserv

Example: / nickserv help

Functions: Performs NickServ commands.

Note: This command / msg NickServ command is short ..


use: / ChanServ

Example: / chanserv help Functions: Performs ChanServ commands.

Note: This command / msg ChanServ is short ..


use: / MemoServ

Example: / MemoServ help

Functions: Performs MemoServ commands.

Note: This command / msg


command is short.

Use the UMO: / umode [+ | -]

Example: / umode + E

Function: return to User mode, the asset-liability case.

Note: User mode, the server / hs .mu.molar can learn typing. Turkish statement are on site.

Use MODE: 1 / mode [+ | -] 2 / mode + | – [] [||]

Example: 1 /MANUAL mode hout + 2 / + bo # test mode is *!*lamer@*.flood .net hout


1. brings to asset-liability case user mode.

2. Apply the settings needed in the channel.


1 / .mu.molar is the same command.

2. It is necessary to channel operator to use. / hs cmodes English typing, you can get help by going to our Turkish channel mode page.


Usage: / pass <password>

Example: / pass 123şifre123

Function: Nick promote your NickServ.

Note: This command “/ msg nickserv identify nickname password” is the abbreviation of the command.


Syntax: / identify <password>

Example: / identify 123şifre123

Function: Nick promote your NickServ.

Note: / same pass command / msg nickserv identify nickname password ‘reputation is shortened.


Syntax: / list [(<> number)]


1 / list (lists all channels in Server)

2 / list> 10 <50 (the number of users on the Server List channels with between 10 and 50)

3. / list chat ( a server, chat word lists the channels or topic called channels)

4 / list> on 10 chat (server, the channel name or topic chat with the word and the number of users List channels with more than

10) Function:

1. All the servers channel lists.

2 lists the channel at the specified limit.

3. The specified list of channels that contain the word.

Use the WHOIS: / whois

Example: / whois GreensKeeper

Function: provides information about the specified.


use: / whowas

Example: / whowas hout

Function: Gives one a little while ago about leaving Server (limit 10 minutes).Note: / whois command gives the same information.


Usage: / WHO |


1 / who #support

2 / who escape

3 / WHO *


1. data about users in the given channel.

2. accommodations within the scope of data about users.

3 persons matching the given Parameter list and gives you a little about.

Note: The channel is available in person and parameters.


parameter can be a portion, but not available in user @ host format.

Use the PING / ping

example: 1. / 2. Ping / ping clinton

Function: a knowledge of how to measure the time it takes to commute to one or a server.

Note: / PING and / CTCP PING command are the same command. The specified time format is seconds.


Usage: / silence [|]


1 / silence floodnick or / silence *!*lamer@*

2 / silence -floodnick or / silence -*!*lamer@*

3. / silence Function:

1 adds one to the list or to a host of silence.

2. Remove one of silence or a host from the list.

3 shows the Silence list.

Note: Silence on one list, one or silence a host’l to their host matches in the list of your messages, notes (/ notice), CTCP, it will not reach you if you try to send.

Use the MSG / msg

Example: 1 / msg #webchat Hi. 2 / msg clinton High?

Function: Assign message to a channel or person.


use: / privmsg


1 / privmsg #webchat Hi.

2 / privmsg clinton High?

Function: Assign message to a channel or person.


Usage: / newjo

Example: / newjo the # webnet-helper function: allows to enter a new channel ..

Note: This command is only for Java users.


Syntax: / topic

Example: / topic #Greennet GreenNet Management Channel.

Function: Change the channel topic.

Note: If channel mode + t is only operators can change the topic ..

KICK: /kicker

Example: / kick my #Greennet hout noon we’ll see you in my office.

Function: forcing someone to leave the channel. (Assigns the channel) Note: Cause section is optional.


Usage: / invite

Example: / invite sagegirl #Greennet

Function: Users are invited to enter a channel.


Usage: / watch [+ | -]

Example: 1 / watch + recode + # massads -hout 2 / watch

Function: 1. One of the or a channel is adding to the watch list (+) or removing (-) benefits.

2. Shows the Watch List.

Note: when used for people, when people enter and leave the server specified is used for the channel, the channel in and out of any warning message appears.


Usage: / iso <1.nick> <2.nick>

Example: / iso Derek Jason Exco Fatalight

Function: someone is online, shows that.


User: / time

Example: 1/2 time / time


1. benefit local time learning where the servers.

2. Standards Ogre benefit local time on the specified server.

Use the MOTD: / motd

Example: 1 / motd 2 / motd


1. Find the server you “message of the day” good show.

2 on the R “message of the day” good show.

Note: In general “message of the day” also noted the important notes and server rules.


use: / lusers

Example: / lusers

Function: Lists the number of users on the server is located and all networks.

Use NAMES: / names

Example: 1 / names are #webmast 2 / names


1 lists the users in the given channel.

2 lists the users in the channel where the command is written.

Note: If used inside the command channel invisible (+ i) mode users are not listed.


user / admin


1. / 2. admin / admin

functions: 1. Shows administrative information of the specified server.

2 shows administrative information in the server where.


Usage: / services

Example: / services recon info

Function: The available commands and descriptions / ns can be found by typing help.

Note: Command / are the same as human.


use: / links

Example: / links

Function: Lists the servers attached to the network.


Usage: / server:

Example: / server

Function: connect through port to the specified server.

Note: As soon as the command used to exit from the current server.


Usage: / part

Example: / part #spidersla

Function: Remove the specified channel.


Syntax: / quit

Example: / quit

Function: Server’l is break the connection.


Syntax: / info

Example: / info

Function: Gives information concerning the specified server.


Use: / notice


1 / notice #Greennet Check out our new web page

2 / notice Derek When is he meeting?

Function: Sends a message to a channel or person.

Note: Typically used for important messages.


Usage: / version

Example: 1 / version 2 / version


1. It gives information about where the server version and modes.

2. Provides information about the version and the mode of the specified server.


use: / HelpOp

Example: / HelpOp How to …

Function: Sends calls for help about specified matters.

Note: the message is sent to all IRCops local server.


use: / helpops

Example: / helpops How to …

Function: Sends calls for help about specified matters.

Note: the message is sent to all IRCops local server.

The following commands are not important and confusing userhost use: /


Example: / USERHOST escape Emily

Function: Gives people the address specified in the user @ host format. Maximum available for 5 people.


Syntax: / set

Example: / set Jenni | fr asks too many questions UserComment

Function: used to add extra information to a nickname. AdminServer added by any parameter, / can still be activated using the SET command.

Note: FIELD command without the command AdminServer. If you are using mIRC / set command run. / set command instead of / raw SET command can be used. GET Usage: / See Example: 1 / get Jenna | fr UserComment 2 / get Marker Status Function: Parameter used to find a case that is activated with the SET command. TRACE Usage: / trace Example: / trace Function: Shows the route to be followed when disposing message to a user on the server.